What is Lightbulb Learning?

The Learning Sciences tell us that engagement leads to learning. When we DO something, we understand and we remember. 

Lightbulb Learning does exactly this. It is hands-on, interactive and deeply engaging. It shows rather than tells. It asks you to participate, and the returns are high.

Whether in a five-minute exercise, an hour-long webinar, a day-long Board meeting or a three-day conference, Lightbulb Learning engages participants so they come away with something new. Something powerful. Something that opens their minds to a new way of thinking.

The goal is to create Lightbulb Moments, the ones that make us say “ah ha!” or “I get it!” Want an example of a Lightbulb Moment? Scroll down and take a Quick Quiz!

What is a Lightbulb Moment?

Which of these do you remember? (check all that apply)

How did it feel? (check all that apply)

How did you learn? (check all that apply)

What if we did better?

What if we engaged people in our content and SHOWED them what we wanted them to understand. Or engaged them in activities that helped them DISCOVER for themselves why something is important.

Here are some great examples out there of Lightbulb Learning:

Let’s Create Your Lightbulb Moment!

How We Work

At Lightbulb, we believe that:

Our Approach:

It’s all about your goals.

Who are you trying to engage? Your Board? Other Funders? Policymakers?

What are you trying to achieve? Are you trying to Shift mindsets? Curate discussion? Prompt a decision? Share Learnings? Align on goals? Raise awareness?

We help you achieve your goal through interactive experiences unique to you.

Want an example?

Our Process:

We customize our process to your needs.

What is your forum? A Board Meeting? A Webinar? A Conference? An Advocacy Campaign?

How much Time do you have? 5-minutes? An Hour? Three Days? A Year?

We share concepts unique to you. Then we develop only what you need – a short exercise, a full agenda, a tool or “game” for ongoing use. Whatever you need to advance your goals.

Want an example?

Our Role:

We create experiences that are uniquely yours.

We do not offer pre-existing products. We work with you to develop approaches that you own and can build on.

We work from your content. If you need help, we can help you frame what you want to say.

Your goals are the heart of the creation process. This is what makes our experiences effective.

Want an example?




We design meeting agendas, activities, games, interactive exercises, conference programs, simulations and real-life experiences – LIVE and Virtual – to advance your social impact goals.



Do you have a problem you need to solve? A goal you need to define? Or do you know where you want to go but need help setting the direction to get you there. We can help.



We can help guide your next meeting, conference, convening or event with expert facilitation, moderation or content framing. We can be behind the scenes, supporting your agenda, or front-of-room, inspiring your audience to join you in your mission.



We can help design your training, onboarding or team-building program. What do you want participants to leave with? We can help you create lasting, powerful experiences that people actually remember and learn from. We can also help you bake evaluation right into your design so you KNOW when folks are “getting it.”



We can provide you with outstanding speakers who can engage your audience in your content and create an unforgettable, interactive event. We can also work closely with your event or meeting presenters to help make their content more engaging, more memorable and more interactive. We love doing this!



Yes! Lightbulb Moments can happen virtually! In fact, they are more important than ever. There are a lot of great platforms and tools out there – new ones seem to pop-up every day. But it’s not about the tool! It’s about what YOU want to achieve with YOUR audience during YOUR time. Whatever your platform, we can help.



Interactivity is critical to strategy development. We don’t just conduct interviews and then tell you what your strategy “should be.” We create an experience for your key stakeholders that reveals the best plan to achieve your goals. The process is engaging, inclusive and . . . it’s actually fun! You will come away with a clear and inspiring strategy that your whole Team can get behind!

Portfolio Planning

Portfolio Planning

Are your grants helping you realize your mission? We can help you create unique tools and metrics to assess whether a current or prospective grant advances your goals.  We can even help you handle the “outliers.” Instead of trying to “make them fit,” we help you define your grantmaking categories, which can include grants that advance your mission, meet the philanthropic goals of your leaders, or help you play a role in your local community.



We can help you develop tools unique to your organization and your needs. They can be for one-time use or permanent tools to advance your goals. They can be documents, templates, highly produced materials, games or other assets that serve as an ongoing resource for you and your team.

Want to learn more about how we can support your work?

Contact Us